Reddit quarantines r/Russia over misinformation

Reddit quarantines r/Russia over misinformation

Subedits that have been quarantined on Reddit don’t appear in searches, recommendations, or feeds unless specified. Users interested in joining the quarantined community are issued a warning regarding the content being posted before they are allowed access to the group. In trying to join the r/Russia subedit, the site warns of “a high volume of information not supported by credible sources.”

Subedits like r/Russia have supported and justified the attacks on Ukraine while spreading propaganda and misinformation against Ukraine, calling their president a war criminal and the people, Nazis. Much of the content posted is biased, uncharacterized,  and quickly debunked. 

The r/Russia subedit now displays a blank header and background after it has been quarantined, previously displaying the Russian flag and Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. r/Russia users are calling Reddit quarantine censorship and restricting freedom of speech. The community had around 265,000 Reddit subscribers.

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