Muneeb Butt speaks up about the Minal-Kylie Insta story snafu
When responding to the interviewer’s question about the meme-worthy incident, Muneeb said, “Some people upload more stories on Instagram than others. She [Minal] just saw a photograph on Pinterest and decided to upload it. She didn’t think people would believe she was trying to pass the photograph off as hers. She just did it randomly and then it blew up.”
When asked about their family’s reaction to the situation, the Yaariyan actor added, “We do lightly tease her about it within the family. Everyone at home was laughing about it and enjoying what was happening. We were even sharing the memes that were being made about the situation on our WhatsApp group.”
While such antics, albeit hilarious, are not a big deal, it does not stop a barrage of trolls from hopping onto the situation instantly when a well-known face is involved. One social media user even went as far as to share that the actor’s “fetish to look elite” made her do this. Other users seriously questioned if Minal thinks people in Pakistan do not follow one of the most famous models in the world for her to pull off something like this.
At first, Minal tried to play along with the trolls by participating in the jokes people were cracking online. Re-posting a meme about people who screenshot other people’s Instagram stories to put it up on their WhatsApp statuses, the Nand actor wrote, “So true. [It’s] soul satisfaction.”
Still, her good-humoured approach was short-lived as she eventually responded to the trolls herself on her Instagram story. “It’s my Instagram. I will post whatever I like. And it’s my life, I will live however I like. Yes, I have Pinterest and many other apps. Yes, I like these kinds of pictures. And yes, I will keep posting,” Minal wrote. She ended her note by challenging the trolls to do whatever they want, as she has no plans to change what she posts on her
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