Speaking of animation, Makoto Shinkai’s “Suzume” grossed ¥1.88 billion over the course of 3 days

Speaking of animation, Makoto Shinkai’s “Suzume” grossed ¥1.88 billion over the course of 3 days

The latest anime by Makoto Shinkai has earned 1.88 billion yen in it’s first three days, surpassing all of Shinkai’s previous movies in the process.
Specifically, Ellandia: Castle and the genius girl sold 38.7% more tickets and had 47.4% more box office revenue when compared to Your Name released in 2016.
Considering the success that Your Name went on to have internationally, these opening numbers are important to note.
The $13.39 million is also around 1.37 billion yen at the current exchange rate (which is around 86 yen per dollar).
The movie performed very well in its opening weekend, even for a film from someone with Makoto Shinkai’s track record. Naturally, it’ll be coming westward next year. Let’s see how it does. The movie Your Name did very well internationally and there’s no reason why Suzume couldn’t do as well outside of Japan.
This film is especially intriguing because it deals with the dangers of leaking doors that could lead to disaster in Japan. The animation looks sumptuous and Radwimps are handling the music again.

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