I am not a vampire: Shehzad Roy responds to being called ‘ageless’

I am not a vampire: Shehzad Roy responds to being called ‘ageless’

Taking to Twitter, a humble Roy reminded his followers that he is 44 years old and looks it too.  He posted, “I am 44 years old. Most people at 44 look like this and I am not a vampire because they are a pain in the neck.”

The Wajah singer concluded his response with a popular quote by Carroll Bryant. “Growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional,” read the post.

On November 29, Roy uploaded a fresh Twitter profile photo, which generated a buzz online. Amongst the many fans questioning how the singer keeps getting younger with time, one observation grabbed eyeballs in particular.

A user posted an old picture with the Bhool Ja singer and pointed out how they have grown old and bald but Roy still look the same. They wrote, “Between this and now, I have gotten bald, grown old and have now a recurring backache. And you haven’t changed sir. What is this sorcery!”

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