I am alive and fine: Firdous Jamal rubbishes rumours of his death

I am alive and fine: Firdous Jamal rubbishes rumours of his death

On Thursday, Jamal shared a video of himself on Instagram, starting the clip with a prayer. He then declared that he’s very much alive and fans shouldn’t pay heed to any ‘political’ agendas of people that previously declared him dead.

“All of you know about my condition by now but I am alive and fine Alhamdulillah. I am under treatment. If the state has given money to save the life of an artist, why are some haters spreading the news of my death?” he said. “There is a fixed time of death and when it comes, it will be alright but for now, I am still alive”, he asserted.

Earlier this week, Jamal’s son, Bazil Firdous, also had to clarify on Facebook: “Allhumduliah my father is doing well and recovering from surgery. Please refrain from sharing/posting fake news regarding his health. Please remember him and us in your prayers.”

The government announced Rs10 million aid for Jamal’s cancer treatment, reported Express.pk. The financial assistance cheque was given to his son, Hamza Firdous, by Adviser to Prime Minister on Political Affairs, National Heritage and Culture Division Engr Amir Muqam, at Jamal’s residence. Thanking the government, the actor had said, “I am thankful to Shehbaz Sharif for this aid; I am thankful that the government paid heed to the artists. We are this nation’s treasure.” The fraternity, too, thanked the government for its prompt response.

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