How many more hashtags: Mahira Khan, Frieha Altaf among others condemn Sara Bibi’s brutal murder

How many more hashtags: Mahira Khan, Frieha Altaf among others condemn Sara Bibi’s brutal murder

The news shook celebrities and Twitter to the core, where many expressed shock and anger. “How long before we get any sort of justice for any woman who has been killed at the hands of rage and privilege. Another hashtag. Another long wait for justice. Justice delayed is justice denied,” Mahira Khan tweeted. 

“No country for women!” PR mogul Frieha Altaf wrote. “Another daughter-in-law, another Noor. The cases that are high profile make it to Twitter trends. The 12-year-old raped/hung just gets a column on page 5 and yet the horror of domestic abuse, misogynistic behaviour and harassment doesn’t stop.”

Zunaira Inam Khan commented, “Another day, another woman lost to senseless violence. Such a terrible shame. When will be able to stop having to change the name at the end of the “justice for…” hashtag? Also, please stop sharing the pictures of the murder victim. Let her have dignity in death.”

Twitter users, too, condemned Sara’s brutal murder. 

Police and investigation teams reached the crime scene and the journalist’s son was arrested after earlier fleeing from the crime scene. However, the police have said that the FIR will be registered after an investigation has been conducted. “The incident is being investigated,” a police spokesperson said while reserving further comments.

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