Ushna Shah feels actor and alleged rapist Armie Hammer is being ‘grossly violated’ in new docuseries

Ushna Shah feels actor and alleged rapist Armie Hammer is being ‘grossly violated’ in new docuseries

Courtney Vucekovich and Julia Morrison share alleged messages and voice notes from Hammer that detail his purported sexual and cannibalistic fantasies, reports of which had sparked a social media storm last year.

Now, taking to her Twitter, actor Ushna Shah has commented on the upcoming series and the alleged, graphic details it unravels. And not in the way you’d expect. “Am I the only one who thinks Armie Hammer is being grossly violated with this new exposè?” she asked her followers on the micro-blogging site. “Sure, his fetishes are weird but the women were free to leave.. weren’t they?” She further inquired.

Needless to say, social media users are not on the same page.

“‘Free to leave’? Girl you always seem to have bad takes on almost everything. You even sympathized with Kyle Rittenhouse,” commented a user.

Another wrote, “The guy literally told some girl he wanted to break one of her ribs and eat them! Creep of the highest order. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere close to a woman, young or old. Glad more people can see him for what he is now.”

The user went on to explain why abuse victims aren’t always ‘free to leave’. “The ‘free to leave’ part is easier said than done. Domestic violence victims are also ‘free to leave’….but are they really? I am sure you as a woman would understand that a thousand times better than me.”

A user even shared the viral remark “Mard ko bhi tou samjho” made by Hira Mani, to take a jibe at Shah’s understanding of the issue.

There were, albeit, those who agreed with her too. “Reading more about it. It is said that one girl from the docu (the brunette) never even met him in person. Neither did she and Hammer ever have an actual relationship. So…”

One more held, “They just want some limelight and a few quick bucks.”

From among the messages shared on the docuseries, one allegedly sent to Morrison reads: “I have a fantasy about having someone prove their love and devotion and tying them up in a public place at night and making their body free use.” It creepily adds, “And seeing if they will f*** strangers for me.”

A voice memo from a man who sounds like Hammer is also played: “My bet was going to involve showing up at your place and completely tying you up and incapacitating you and then being able to do whatever I wanted to every single hole in your body until I was done with you.”

The trailer reveals an Instagram message Hammer supposedly wrote to a woman in which he allegedly says he’s “100% a cannibal” and wants to “eat” her. “He pushes your boundaries a little bit at a time. You’re his, completely,” says Vucekovich in the trailer. Courtney Vucekovich dated the Death on the Nile star in 2020, as per Yahoo News. She was one of the first women to speak out after graphic DMs were leaked in Jan. 2021. She claimed during their relationship he spoke about his desire to break her ribs and “eat” them.

Discovery+ special will not only dive into Armie’s past, but viewers will also learn more details about the dark secrets and scandals surrounding other men in the Hammer family. “Armie Hammer’s alleged crimes are only the tip of the iceberg,” Discovery+ wrote. “Through a trove of archive and interviews from survivors and family members, the dark and twisted secrets of the Hammer family come to light.”

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